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Ayrancı vilage


                                       Ayrancı vilage

   Ayrancı is a vilage where located depending on centreal of anatolia city amasya ,its town is suluova.amasya is only 20 km away. Capital ankara distance is 400  km. merzifon internation airport is very near the vilage,

    First location era is not known exactly.it is estimated to have  live people here before 1900.it was founded by azeri turks who imigrate from nagorna karabakh region in azerbaijan in 1900 year because of 93 war  result beetwen ottoman state and russia.  Now.not only  Azeri imigration live in the vilage ,but also people who came from various türkey cities such as çorum ,tokat,tabzon.first location is üyük. This place  is near ayrancı. this vilage has 3500 meter square fertile lands. 1000 meters feeding graund.Akdağ and tavşan mountain is surrounding the north of vilage.tersaakan river where flows to  one of the longest river yeşilırmak  in türkey is nearby sought of ayrancı. Its long is 1000 klometers. Sometimes, local people can water their crops from tersakan river.when drought.at the same time this vilage has large quantities of under water reserve.it is not use to water. It has been keeping for  drought water  reseve is  strategic.

    living people in vilage make live their life farming and feeding  enimals .the mainly crops, onion, beet,wheat, these crops is high quality for example growing onions is well known inside and outside türkey.besides, greenhouse became very popular at last years in the vilage .first professional green house was built great entrepreneur alper doğan. his green house large is 2000 meter square. he grow domatoes ,cucumber ,green pepper . there is no any domatos  viruse tuta so,it is big advatage for domatoes agricultere in this region.additional to cilimate is suitable to grow fruits such as aple,peach,apricot,pear .another economic activity is to keep animal .they pasture large green field. it is significant to produce natural milk. Mainly, there is cows and bufalo and bull.

    Altought ayrancı has large plain and natural beauty ,but dont has any historical place,but it has atractive natural beauties ,economic oportunties and friendship athmospher amoung the local people.

    population is 350 person, real population is higher than living in the vilage. many person move to variouse cities around türkey.for higher life conditon . ayrancı vilage growed up many important figure in Türkey history.from policy to,bureaucracy

  ayrancı, with natural beauties ,economi oportunites,fresh air and hospitable people is very wonderfull place in the world. And it will be same forever.




                                                                           it was narrated by caner doğan

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